Well it seems like lately it is one thing after another hitting us, and so we are hoping there won't be more to come! Instead of going into detail with everything I'll just do our most recent, or MY most recent I guess I should say... Well as the last shortie said we had our beautiful baby girl number 3 on Tuesday, Sept 2nd! She is just adorable but I could go on and on about that.. hehe. Well we came home on Wed the 3rd, I was feeling great all but just a sore tummy (duh) from all the contractions/pushing etc. Well here we were, our beginning to a grand adventure and the rest of a life with three girls. We were doing good adjusting and trying to get back into life routine and Sat I started feeling a little yucky, just feverish under the weather a bit but I'm nursing and my milk came in sat so I assumed it would just blow over. (Many women get mild fevers when their milk comes in first few days) Well, Sunday it was worse, I was achy all over, my head hurt, I had a fever, it just flat out hurt to move or do anything. Well Monday we had the baby's first doctor appointment so I called to see if I could get in to see my doctor too, scheduleing was bad so we went to be 'fit in' right after lunch hoping to have enough time to get seen and get the girls to the other office in time. Well... They checked me out and sent me straight to the hospital! "Go directly to hospital, no passing go, no collecting anything!" hehe Well they had a nurse walk us the back way over straight to my room and there I was. They hoooked me up to antibiotic IV right away and said they thought I had an infection in my uterus, which could be fatal if untreated and IV is the only way to get the antibitoics in there right.. Well I HATE hospitals, Idk who loves them.. but I've only been in for delivering babies, nothing else.. Well my mom was out of town until Tuesday night so I was a complete basket case not knowing what to do! Luckily we have a great friend and neighbor that really went the extra mile to help us out and watched the girls and I got to still nurse Baby Sophie as long as there was someone there with her at all times ( I can't be a patient and a caregiver) So Jon and the baby stayed with me as much as they could. Tuesday I had an ultrasound to see if anything was in my uterus and then with the results of that Dr Lunt scheduled me a D&C ( a procedure where they 'clean out' anything left in the uterus..) I was terrified to say the least but after a long few hours of waiting and several breakdown bouts of crying, 4oclock came around, I was put under without even knowing and awoke an hour and half later. It went well, being sucessful in getting out what was making me sick, I had to stay til Thursday to get more IV antibiotics and assure I was ok to go home. Anywho, now we are home, I'm feeling weak but much better. I am anemic and taking measures to build that back up and just keeping my head high or trying to. Now getting to adjust to home life again...