Saturday, July 4, 2009

backyard pool time..

We bought this little plastic pool summers ago, sad to say this was the last time they will play in it (many summer sun's on it has dryrotted it) it has a big crack around the bottom and the total pool time from pictures lasted about 15 mins before all the water had leaked out. They had fun tho. Sophie's first time in the pool. She is a little water bug.. completely loves it.

1 comment:

Suzie said...

Oh my gosh, So CUTE! You wont belive what a hard time I had getting a kiddie pool. (been using an empty sand box) All the stores were sold out by the time I went looking for one. I got one thisweekend at a garage sale for $2! Good thing we were 1 street away from home, it wouldnt fit in the car and he walked it home! LOL